Sunday, September 11, 2011


That's fast right, it's so-to-be a week! ohno, my hoaleedae like that no more? :(
Set aside that, my holiday was kinda fruitful to me in term of my to-do-list. hehehhehe.
Kinda guilty cos i didnt study and didnt meet up with Sunny and Daniel to study, all in the name of LAZY.
Yup, shan't go on with my grandma story! zoom right to da point!
I have decorate up my room, room is oh so fine that blow my mind. <3~~~
If you have been following my twitter, IF, I have hand made everything, put everything up MYSELF.
So proud of myself *a pat on my shoulder

Rewind back, remember my previous blog post, i went to DAISO @ PLAZA SINGAPURA?
That's where i got all my barang barang. :) love everything is at two buckets, sorry i budget la.

This was what i brought, everything is so earthly coloured :)
1. Hooks
3. Paper string
5.Heart shape beads
6. Roller or i dont know whats that called
7. Screwdrivers

total = 7x2 = $14

I used all these materials to make the pegs and strings to hang my name! Yea, im so in love with myself.

Tadah! my beautiful dreamcatcher and pegs with 'HERGENCY'.
anyway i didnt like the bead thingy so i decided to use paper instead! 

 My vintage cameras! they're my babies. so swear the hook better be good or else i will kill it cos they drop my babies.
 That's my heart with polaroid shots with all my lovelies. <3~~~ I outline by myself k i swear this aint easy but its worth :)
To those people whose faces are up there be honored k! & that's how much i smurf you guys. hehehhe.
 Corner with my message board, calender, N level dates and a board fool of cool stuff.
 They're beside my window :)
 My push toy corner :)
Behind my door and two mini hooks from my belts and tie.

That's the view from my bed! I know the fan kills all the beautiful the fan is my saviour!  

two shots of myself, hehehehhe. see how happy im? i feel like flying now. 

What I am wearing : 
1. Tweety bird tee from fox (i cut off the sleeve)
2. High waist pants from FEP
3. Armani Belt from My dad 
4. Casio watch fromm CP

P/s : I have reedited my previous post, so if you wanna catch a shot of what i've worn on that day then simply scroll down.

P/s/s: Since i have taken down my 'HERGENCY' that was handmade by myself, so those who want (my friend) the 'R', 'H' or 'N' just simply comment on my post or text me if you have my number :) IT'S FREE ND I SPENT ONE WHOLE BLOODY DAY K.

Till here, I am going to bath again before heading out for hotpot with my fammula <3~~~ xx

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