Saturday, February 25, 2012

Find your shelter

Haiiiii! I'm back again for a short post to share some stuff with you guys!
first up, a short polaroid update:

outing with Ja-moi @ town

V. day with my lovelies


Currently my parents are considering to buy new flats, so i was online searching around & so happening i found iBilik. :) 
Its a super handy and user-friendly site, me highly recommend!

so this is the main site...

click on the respective countries you are in. In my case, im in Singapore, so i clicked Singapore and you will see this...

My famoola prefer the east side like around marine parade area or bedok, thus, i just click on east coast...

then, you can see the various places and accommodation that's suitable for you. For instance, im looking at Laguna Park...

TADAHHHHH, all the details are just there.


you can filter your search by making full use of the left hand side options available...

yup, it's just that simple! user-friendly! 
now heaad down to to find your suitable accommodation or do recommend it to your relatives!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Uncle Raymond's Wedding Dinner

Happy sunday everyone! <3~~
back with a quick update aka photo post.
It was Uncle Raymond's wedding dinner on 11/2/11 @ Grand Park Hotel.
 Jeremiah & I

 Mummy Joey & I

Mummy Bell (biological mum) & I

 Me, Momsie & Sis.

 Grandpa Tok & I

With my sis

with my couzie Perlyn & Denise

That's all the recent happenings, cos i am all busy with school, homework and tuition.
my life = sleep. school. bath. eat. tuition. study. sleep.
In addition, next week which is tomorrow is CA week!
yes, my valentine are my CA papers and books.
Hopefully, it will pay off in the end*cross my fingers
Alright, till then! prolly update soon like after this week? see how it goes.
stay tuned, xx!

p/s: pardon my no limit tummy, been eating and not sweating. pigsterforlyfe95. sigh, depressed much.